FlamencoThe MYO tour musicians and singers started off the day with a morning rehearsal at the Centro Cultural Sanchinarro. A group of Spanish children were in the same building for a camp, and they were serenaded by the choir as they rehearsed their concert repertoire.

After the rehearsal, we rode the tour buses into the heart of Madrid for a short walking tour. On the walk, we visited the Casa Museo de Lope de Vega, which is the house of a famous Spanish poet. Also, we visited the home of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, well known for his novel “Don Quixote”. A short walk away from these homes was the Teatro Espanol and Opera House.

During our lunch break, we had the chance to explore the streets of Madrid, shop for souvenirs, and sample even more delicious Spanish cuisine, including some churros with molten chocolate dipping sauce!

The group returned to the main square in Madrid at night for a tapas and flamenco show at Las Carboneras. Flamenco is a traditional Spanish dance that includes not only dancing, but singing, guitar and castanet playing as well. The type of flamenco we saw was all improvisation, which was quite impressive. The skilled footwork of the flamenco dancers was extremely fast-paced but incredible to watch.

Everyone loved the show, and it was definitely an unforgettable evening.

Mañana vosotros vamos a la ciudad de Segovia para ver el Acueducto Romano y el Alcázar de Segovia. Después vamos a Medina de Rioseco para tocar un concierto para la gente de España.

[Translation: Tomorrow we are going to the city of Segovia to see the Roman Aqueducts and the Castle of Segovia. Then, we will go to Medina de Rioseco to play a concert for the people of Spain.]


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